There's Nothing for You to Do
How does it feel to hear that there’s nothing to do? Nothing that needs to be done (right now)?
For many this can feel really confronting and uncomfortable! We’ve been deeply conditioned to assign our worth to our productivity and to be productive to the exclusion of all else (including our body’s own internal communication mechanisms or “no”).
The notion that life provides the circumstances for our evolution and that there’s nothing more or less than the actual experiences we undergo that needs to be done is (understandably) edgy!
We would rather create a “wellness lifestyle” that involves even more “doing” than to really slow down and sit with the part of ourselves that already has it all and needs nothing more. We do this because we would rather chase the endless barrage of stressors under a delusion that by fine-tuning external measures, we’ll be re-connected again. That the only thing in our way is seed oils, blue light, and non-native EMFs (and a conveniently long list of additional stressors that we’re tasked with fighting against).
I’m not here to diss those in the wellness community (of which I’m definitely part!) but to get clear on the role of wellness. Wellness shouldn’t be an “enabler” that permits you to continue a life of disconnection without ever slowing down enough to realize it. For some, wellness devolve into a means of subconsciously prolonging this realization even longer.
I’m also not recommending that you relinquish all responsibilities and cease your productivity entirely – quite the contrary! What I’m promoting is the idea that when work is done, it’s done.
When you’re not working, take a rest. That’s it. No podcasts, books, audiobooks, scrolling, etc.
Try this out this week! When you observe yourself taking a natural pause in your work flow, challenge yourself to do as little as possible, then see how you feel! Report it back to me if you feel inspired…(it may be challenging or even anxiety-inducing at first, so hang with it!)