The Philosophy of Vitalism

Vi·tal·ism (the theory that the origin and phenomena of life are dependent on a force or principle distinct from purely chemical or physical forces).

Whereas much of our modern culture is based on a philosophy of mechanism, where all things can be broken down into their constituent parts, vitalism takes the holistic approach of acknowledging a synergy among these parts that produces a coherent whole.

As it relates to the body, vitalism recognizes a vital life force intelligence that’s Innate to your being (also known as Innate Intelligence or the “soul”). Just by existing as a human, your body is organizing itself through a complex, multidimensional field as directed by this intelligence. It’s the reason each of your cells is able to perform their functions that enable you to do normal human activities like walk, stand, and breathe (each of which entail a complex symphony of coordination).

This Innate Intelligence or vital life force energy uses the Nervous System to communicate. It tells your heart to beat, your liver cells to detox, and enables your body to respond to stressors or cues of safety. It’s also the sole force responsible for your healing.

Your body heals itself by enhancing the expression of your life force. It does so by gently removing interference to this natural energetic flow. The interference to this flow comes in the form of life stressors of all kinds (chemical, physical, emotional and spiritual), which get bound in the body and create patterns in the Neurological system.

Perhaps one function of the stressors we encounter in life is to draw us deeper into our bodies so we can learn to access more of this life force energy and express ourselves more deeply! Perhaps this is what it means to be “healthy.”

This conversation on vitalism and the philosophy of the origin of health is one of my favorite ones to have! Let me know how it lands and I’m happy to discuss further with anyone who’s interested.

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